The first is another expression; this expression calls the mod function. 第一个参数是另一个表达式;这个表达式调用mod函数。
To make the filter true for every third event, we'll use the fact that the result of the function is an integer and we can use the Business Events integer division functions div and mod. 要使该筛选器在每当发生第三个事件时求值为True,我们将利用该函数的结果为整数的事实,并且我们可以使用BusinessEvents整除函数div和mod。
P-value m-sequence ( p ≥ 2, p is prime number) with self-correlative function based on mod ( p) area in different phase is a constant, the value is 1/ 2.It proves its shift characteristic. 基于mod(p)域的所有p值m序列(p≥2,p为素数)的异相自相关函数是常数,其常数值为1/2,并证明了其移位特性。
The amount of permitted soil losses was 60t/ ( km 2 · a) regarded as a limit of not being eroded obviously through 10-year observation of the quantitative relationships between erosion mod function and plant percentage. 通过10年观测,侵蚀模数与植被覆盖率的定量关系,石灰岩低山区土壤允许流失量60t/km2a作为无明显侵蚀的界限。